Monday 18 January 2016



  1. Hi Alain. Is this photo recent, or one taken in the past. Would seem quite late for L. hookeri, or any lithops, to be flowering now. I have not been able to get use to the name hookeri. I am still suck with turbiniformis in my head. Interesting how when you first learn something it's often difficult to unlearn it. :) Very pretty plant. I like those with flowers that hide the producing plant. Nice. I have a request, could you show a few photos of your greenhouse and your plants within? I don't mind if the greenhouse is a little messy, and if you don't want such photos out in the public arena just send them to me in an email. Thank you. Your plants are so nice I just want to see the factory where they are produced. :)

    1. The photos were taken before Christmas. I have a few photos I did not publish last year but I thought too nice to leave. I still have optica to flower. I have had other requests to show the whole grrenhouse and thought I may take some photos in the Spring when it is less dull and grey.
